"Turning Vegan isn't a trend, It is about caring for the other beings on the planet!"
Diet is deeply rooted in people, something that's a crucial part of our lives. Hence, before taking a step into the decision-making process, it's essential to understand more about veganism. Reading through this article will give you a brief insight into the vegan diet and the benefits of following one.

Many people have misconceptions about vegans and consider them to be vegetarians. But Vegans and Vegetarians are terms that are poles apart. Vegans follow a lifestyle wherein they exclude all products obtained from other beings, or in other words, animals.

Veganism is more than just a diet! A vegetarian diet includes dairy products, such as cheese, milk, butter, etc. wherein, a vegan diet substitutes these with plant-based alternatives. When it comes to vegans, they don't consume or use any product obtained from animals/other beings.
A vegan diet only consists of products obtained from plants. Thinking that veganism is fancy, a trend, something that everyone is talking about and go ahead and follow it as a trend, there are chances that you may not be able to stick to it for long. Veganism is a feeling. A feeling of relating with the pain of animals, when they compromise for us, humans!

The vegan diet has its own set of advantages. In an interview with Dr. Ellsworth Wareham (1914-2018), a retired cardiac surgeon. He stated that his leap towards veganism has made him sure that there is no chance of him having a heart attack, also underlining that veganism is the only key that helped him live for 104 years. The vegan diet also has other benefits like naturally controlled cholesterol levels, anger/stress management, and almost a new perception of perceiving the individuals around you.
If you're considering turning vegan, here are a few alternatives to your regularly used/consumed products.
Cheese - Tofu
Cow Milk - Almond Milk or Soy Milk
Leather - Rexene
Meat - Seitan (Wheat gluten)
Now let us address the most asked question about the vegan diet.
Is the vegan diet healthy?
The answer to it is, most of the vitamins and minerals required by the body are available in vegetables. Most of the calcium obtained in a regular diet is by milk, but since cow milk isn't a vegan product, veganism has alternatives to almost every dietary requirement. For example, if you're concerned about meeting your daily calcium requirements, eating green leafy or soy products should help.
Now the decision lies in your hands. Do you want to switch to a diet that cares for the other beings on the planet by keeping you healthy? If you're still in a dilemma, consider veganism for a month. If things work smoothly for you, then you are all set to make a difference.